Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Can't think of a title....

Here we are almost two months since the last post... No.. we don't own the properties yet. But guess what... ?? we are getting close.. only 4 to 6 weeks!! I'm just tired of saying it...

At this point we've almost gotten out of the project 3 times this year. But for some reason we think its a good idea to stay in.

Our elusive target date for settlement is now around our wedding anniversary at the end of September... 2006 that is...

We are about to meet with the Architect that 'Healthy Neighborhoods' is offering as a free consultant. Healthy Neighborhoods will be financing our final build out of the home. We will go over our floor plan layout and talk about moving forward with MEP dwgs... (Mechanical Electrical Plumbing)

These drawings and our cost spreadsheet are the last two bigs pieces of the puzzle before we negotiate a General Contractor agreement/contract for final build out.

Now if we can just settle on these properties, and get the stabilized home from the LLC...