Monday, May 22, 2006

Another random shot of Ladder 49 filming on Linden

Ladder 49

I think this shot is coming out of the door of 2246 Linden Ave ?.

Just a quick blurb... here is the press release from the city stating that they would be filming some fire scenes on Linden:

There's a couple shots of Linden Ave here under the 'set:first weeks' section

Saturday, May 20, 2006

2246 Linden !!!

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3rd floor, middle of the house

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3rd floor, top of staircase

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Here's our two garden plots in Res Hill

Posted by Picasa Tomatoes, bell peppers, banana peppers, onions, basil, rosemary, oregano, strawberries... Still haven't planted our okra, sunflowers, and cilantro yet...

Someone has already stolen two our our 6 strawberry plants... I'm sure it the local kids who are always out there...

2258 Linden ??

The home at the end of the row, or block, is being rehabbed as well... 2258 I think Posted by Picasa

The front of 2248 while its being rehabbed

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2244, 2246, and 2248

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Here's 2248 Linden

Drove by and noticed they have started rehabbing 2248.. Great news !! now we'll have new homes on either side of us... well, 2248 will be two apartments, and I think Kate, one of the Linden Tree members is going to dig out her basement and make an apartment in the bottom or two condos.. or something... Posted by Picasa

Here's the back of our home

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Monday, May 15, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

the turtle and hare...

Both the turtle and the hare have lapped us, and are now starting to laugh.

well, march 22nd was my last post... more than 6 weeks has past... we still do not own our home... and our current estimate on a closing date... yep, you guessed it 4 to 6 weeks.

We've lost almost all of our 'excitment' about this project over the last two years, and are only now about to 'begin' !!! So at this point we just want to finish and be done with it.

Our time spent in the community has died down. We still own our garden plot... actually two this year. So we'll probably post pics of that on this blog... Hopefully we'll settle before our first batch of ripe tomatoes comes in =)